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To allow you to use the Gryphon Invest website without any restrictions, we use what are referred to as session cookies. Session cookies are tiny parcels of information that are automatically saved to the memory of the website visitor\'s computer. In a session cookie a randomly created and unique identification number is deposited, a so-called session ID. A cookie additionally contains information on its origin and its life span. These cookies are unable to save any other kind of data. Placing session cookies on your computer does not enable us to see the files on your computer. After you conclude your session, i.e. after you close your browser window, the session cookies are automatically deleted. You need to activate session cookies to be able to use website services which require authentication.
Your browser settings allow you to set how you wish cookies to be handled. By default, the browser is set to accept session cookies. You have the option of refusing the use of session cookies.
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